Our goal is to equalize the playing field so all children have access to resources for a rewarding and inspired life and career without regard to economic barriers.

Our Work

We listen to the needs of our students and school partners to devise a core set of work areas that maximize the effect of our resources and volunteers. When their needs change, we adapt to provide the best support possible.

Conflict Resolution

CC,CD designed and implemented a Conflict Resolution program to solve the problem of student disputes. The program focuses on teaching students how to manage conflict escalation among their peers and provides the students with the proper tools to succeed. At its first such program, some twenty five students wear the “Peacemakers” t-shirt provided by CC, CD, and scores of disputes that otherwise could have required staff intervention, resulted in violence, or worse, have been resolved peacefully by the students themselves. This program too will be replicated and expanded.

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Holiday & Celebratory Events

To add joy and celebration into the lives of children who so often go without, CC,CD has supported everything from a back to school party to an end of school carnival. Most proudly, CC, CD (and its predecessor founders) have for over fifteen years provided a holiday party complete with gifts for children who otherwise would often go without such celebration and gifts. Each year, visitors ranging from magicians, clowns sports mascots, and arts and crafts professional have delighted the children. And, of course, each and every year, Santa Claus has been a regular fixture of the event. Over the past twenty years, CC,CD has enabled some 8,000 students and families to celebrate the Holidays. In these annual parties typically serve some 400 children and their families, each of whom received a present customized to their age and gender.

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Addressing the need to reverse the cycle of lowered expectations, CC,CD has designed and implemented a multi-stage Leadership Program for elementary school students. Designed to inform and inspire, the Program, through its volunteer experts, offers interactive and advanced training in three core areas: (a) community leadership; (b) political leadership; and (c) entrepreneurship and business leadership. The end-of-year meetings at Leader’s sites, and, the award, at school graduation, of Certifications of Leadership Training, and the recognition of the students at the ceremony as “Leaders of the Future,” cap off this successful effort. As a result, some 100 students are primed to be “future leaders” of America. Plans are in the works to replicate and expand this project.

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Literature & Drama

Everyday exceptional stories of perseverance and ingenuity from the youth of DC go unheard. Our Stories project aims to recognize the stories of the inspirational young individuals in our community. Our drama project has brought directly into the classrooms local theater professionals to enroll the children in the magic of stories and the backbone of modern theatric story telling. This Program addresses the need to supplement and enhance school offerings in the area of dramatic arts and literature.

New Programs

CC,CD is in the process of developing new programs responsive to our partners needs. It particularly wishes to look to organizations and volunteers who can help solve the problem of a gap in the inspiration and education of these children into key areas of the future.

School Service & Improvements

Sometimes by hammer and nail, other times by paint brush and gardening gloves, and at all times through the dedicated energy of committed volunteers, CC,CD works to make needed physical improvements to its partner schools. It does this through partnerships with community organizations such as local university students and college alumni groups.